[Last updated 16 Jan 2024]

Dallas Paleontological Society fieldtrip to
Jacksboro, Jack county, Texas
19 Nov 2005

Jacksboro, Texas is a located in an area of Carboniferous Period geology which dates to circa 280-360 million years ago. This Period is PRE-dinosaur when large sea creatures, amphibians, large insects, and relatively small land reptiles were dominant.

On my first trip I found many nice shells of extinct mollusk species and various crinoid stems.

Ammonoids (Goniatite)
Straparollus sp. gastropods
Conularid sp.
Lophophyillidium sp. corals
Lophophyillidium spinosum corals
Lophophyillidium sp. corals?
crinoid stems and  stem segments
Fenestella sp. bryozoans