Wise County, Texas
5 Sep 2009

Locality #1

The first spot was an old quarry. This quarry exposes parts of the Chico Ridge Limestone (Rock Hill limestone member?)
The gray shale underneath the limestone.
Roz's finds (pic by Roz)
Roz's finds:
spiny echinoid or crinoid bit?
2 Straparollus gastropods
Zygopleura? snail (vertical lines)
Goniasma snail (spiraled)
Girtyocoelia beedi sponges
crinoid cup bottoms
Goniasma sp. snail
crinoid stalk
Girtyocoelia beedi sponges 
(more beed-like than Girtycoleia)
Tabulipora? bryozoan
Goniasma sp. gastropods
Chonetina sp. brachiopods

Locality #2

 This is a place we find crinoid hash plates and other unique fossils.
(pic by Roz)
A gorgeous Ananias welleri snail
Ananias welleri snail (close up)
"oolitic" limestone
Cinclidonema texanum (top)

(although these are more angular)
Cinclidonema texanum (side)

(same species but different one)

Conularid sp.
Striatopora moorei coral