The Manning-Trainham
dinosaur track site
Springtown, Parker County, Texas

On Wednesday May 3rd, 2017 Rita Manning and her daughter Meagan Trainham were in Walnut Creek looking for arrowheads when they found instead a great new dinosaur trackway. On May 7th me and Art Sahlstein visually surveyed the site with Rita.  Art made some phone calls to the city and his news contacts and the next day city officials and two news stations visited the site. 

The track site contains at least 25+ tracks from a theropod dinosaur possibly "Acrocanthosaurus" and a few large Sauropod dinosaur tracks (not shown).  The track site sits on a geologic "lense" (outlier) of Glen Rose Limestone that extends into the Paluxy Sandstone

May 7th, 2017:
May 8th, 2017:
Art Sahlstein, Rita & Walt Manning, city official
Mayor Tom Clayton, Art Sahlstein, Rita & Walt Manning
Art Sahlstein and Fil Alvarado (channel 4)
Geologic map of area


A mural titled "Glen Rose Confrontation" by Karen Carr  [link]