Hood & Somervell counties, Texas

The source geological map used is "Geologic Atlas of Texas, Dallas & Abilene Sheet" - Bureau of Economic Geology, 1987.  The map was digitally distorted in some spots to align the roads with the more accurate modern map BUT there is still some distortions and alignment is not perfect.  Colors used here are arbitrary.

Geologic Atlas of Texas - Abilene  sheet descriptive booklet (PDF file - 517k)

[The best way to print the maps is to save each large image to your computer and then open with the default picture viewer.  This should allow you to print each image and fill a standard 8x11 page without any clipping which may occur if printing from a browser.]

Hood and Somervell county, Texas geology in 9 parts:

Geological Formations:
Holocene Period: Qal - Quaternary alluvium
Qu - Quaternary undivided
Pleistocene Period: Qt - Quaternary terrace deposits
Cretaceous Period Kdc - Duck Creek
Kki - Kiamichi
Ked - Edwards limestone
Kcp - Comanche Peak 
Kwa - Walnut Clay
Kpa - Paluxy sand
Kgr - Glen Rose
Ktm - Twin Mountains