[Last updated 12 Feb 2024]
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae (bison, cows)
Bison sp. jaw

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene to recent
Loc: Fannin Co., TX. April 5, 2008. |
Bison sp. jaw and limb bone

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene to recent
Loc: Dallas Co., TX. April 13, 2008. |
Bison sp. skull

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene to recent
Loc: Tarrant Co., TX. Found by Sterling Z. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Tapiridae
Tapirus veroensis tooth (tapir)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Tapirus veroensis tooth (tapir)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Royce R. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Tayassuidae (peccary)
Platygonus compressus tooth (peccary)
Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Platygonus compressus tooth [same]

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Cervidae (deer)
"Two heavily mineralized
White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) jaw sections." |
Odocoileus virginianus

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene/Holocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Odocoileus virginianus

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene/Holocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae (cats)
Lynx rufus (bobcat)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Lynx rufus [same]
Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Lynx rufus [same]

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Pilosa
Family: Megalonychidae
Megalonyx jeffersonii caudal vertebra
(Extinct ground sloth)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Megalonyx jeffersonii caudal vertebra
(Extinct ground sloth)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae (bears)
bear canine tooth

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene-Holocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cingulata
Family: Pampatheriidae (pampathere)
Wikipedia: "Holmesina
is a genus of pampathere, an extinct group of armadillo-like creatures
that were distantly related to extant armadillos. Like armadillos,
and unlike the other extinct branch of Cingulata, the glyptodonts,
the shell was made up of flexible plates which allowed the animal to move
more easily." |
Holmesina septentrionalis
Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Holmesina septentrionalis
Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Holmesina septentrionalis

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Northeast Texas. Found by Barry A. |
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cingulata
Family: Glyptodontidae
Genus: Glyptodon
Wikipedia: "Glyptodon (Greek for
"grooved or carved tooth") was a large, armored mammal of the
family Glyptodontidae, a relative of armadillos that lived during the
Pleistocene epoch." |
Glyptodon dermal plates

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: unknown |
Glyptodon tibia

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: NE Texas |
Glyptodon (model)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene Dallas Museum of Natural History
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Proboscidea
Family: Elephantidae
Mammuthus columbi? ("Mammoth" tooth)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: Texas
Found by Adam A. |
Mammuthus columbi? ("Mammoth" tooth)

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: Texas
Found by Adam A. |
Mastodon sp. tooth

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Coll: Dallas Museum Natural History |
Mammut americanum ? ("Mastodon"
Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: Texas. Oct. 2, 2012.
Found by Barry A. |
Mammut americanum? ("Mastodon"
Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: Texas. Oct. 2, 2012.
Found by Barry A. |
Mammut americanum? ("Mastodon"

Strata: n/a
Period: Pleistocene
Location: Texas. Oct. 2, 2012.
Found by Barry A. |
Mastodon sp. (?) metacarpal
Strata: Seymour
Period: Pleistocene
Loc: Knox Co., TX. 23 April 2011 |
"Mammoth" and
"Mastodon" jaws

Dallas Museum Natural History |
The Pleistocene Mammal Fauna of North Texas
(Compiled from multiple sources, not complete list.)
- Order:
- Genus (common name) X
= [extinct genus]
Dallas-Denton county region:
- Order Marsupialia: Didelphis (opossum)
- Order Insectivora: Scalopus (mole)
- Order Edentata:
- Order Rodentia:
- Castoroides (giant beaver) X
- Cynomys (prairie dog)
- Geomys (pocket gopher)
- Microtus (vole)
- Neotoma (wood rat)
- Ondatra (muskrat)
- Peromyscus (deer mouse)
- Sciurus (gray squirrel)
- Sigmodon (cotton rat)
- Spermophilus (ground squirrel)
- Synaptomys (lemming)
- Order Carnivora:
- Canis (wolf, coyote)
- Aenocyon
(dire wolf) X
- Arctodus
(short-faced bear) X
- Ursus (bear)
- Procyon (raccoon)
- Mustela (weasel)
- Mephitis (skunk)
- Smilodon
(saber-toothed cat) X
- Lynx (bobtail cat)
- Order Proboscidea:
- Order Lagomorpha:
- Sylvilagus (cottontail rabbit)
- Lepus (hare / jackrabbit)
- Order Artiodactyla:
- Platygonus
(peccary) X
- Odocoileus virginianus (white tail deer)
- Breameryx
(pronghorn like ungulate) X
- Tetrameryx shuleri (Shuler's pronghorn) X
- Camelops
(camel) X
- ?Tanupolama
- Bison
- Order Perrissodactyla
- Equus (horse)
- Asinus (wild ass)
- Tapirus (tapir)
Fannin-Delta county region:
- Order Insectivora:
- Sorex cinereus (masked shrew)
- Blarina (short-tailed shrew)
- Order Edentata:
- Order Rodentia:
- Castoroides (giant beaver) X
- Geomys (pocket gopher)
- Neotoma (wood rat)
- Microtus (vole)
- Ondatra (muskrat)
- ?Reithrodontomys (harvest mouse)
- Sigmodon (cotton rat)
- Spermophilus (ground squirrel)
- Synaptomys (lemming)
- Order Carnivora:
- Canis (wolf, coyote)
- Ursus (bear)
- Taxidea taxus (badger)
- Order Proboscidea:
- Order Lagomorpha:
- Sylvilagus (cottontail rabbit)
- Order Artiodactyla:
- ?Antilocapra (pronghorn)
- Platygonus
(peccary) X
- Mylohyus
(peccary) X
- Odocoileus virginianus (white tail deer)
- Bison
- Bos/Bootherium/Symbos (Woodland musk ox) X
- Order Perrissodactyla
- Equus (horse)
- Tapirus (tapir)