MARLBROOK MARL EQUIVALENTS In Arkansas the restricted Marlbrook marl of Dane, consisting of the marl conformably overlying the Annona chalk and unconformably underlying part a few fairly typical Exogyra cancellata (of which the most typical forms occur in the base of the Saratoga), and a variety of E. ponderosa which is transitional between the typical ponderosa and E. cancellata. Stephenson regards the Exogyra cancellata zone ( = Saratoga, in Arkansas) as the basal member of the Navarro, and considers as upper Taylor at least from Hunt County southward the 300 or more feet of marl overlying the Pecan Gap chalk (391, p. 44). In Kaufman County this marl has an estimated maximum thickness of 400 feet, and it thins eastwards. Apparently there is no distinct stratigraphic break between this marl and the underlying Pecan Gap from Collin County southward. The Pecan Gap grades upward into chalky marl containing locally thin chalk seams for at least 100 feet above the Pecan Gap. A single specimen of Exogyra ponderosa was found at this level at a locality on the Josephine road about 2 miles north by east of Nevada, Collin County. Above this level the marl is less chalky, and in places is a calcareous clay containing abundant fragments of Inoceramus and occasionally, poorly preserved, large, compressed Baculites, and other, unidentified fossils. East of Hunt County and specifically in central and eastern Red River County, the 500 feet of marl above the Pecan Gap chalk, though devoid of large fossils, may be of upper Taylor (Marlbrook) age (391, p. 47). A high Taylor (?) sand in the Corsicana area has been called the Edens sand (1062, p. 228, pi. XX). GEOLEX
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