(Last updated Dec. 11, 2010.)
Bureau of Economic Geology Publications Discontinued Bureau of Economic Geology and UT Series books |
Anacacho Limestone
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Anacacho Limestone, Texas, USA | Cretaceous Research, Volume 25, Issue 4, August 2004, Pages 473-497 | Christopher S. Swezey and E. Charlotte Sullivan |
Some macrofossils from the Cretaceous (Campanian) Anacacho Limestone of Texas | Elder, William P. | U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey 1994 |
Antlers Sand
Austin formation
Characteristics and origin of the Cedar Hill bentonite bed, lower Austin Chalk, Dallas County Vicinity | Collins, J.G | The University of Texas at Arlington, Texas: 102 pp. (thesis); 1997 |
Sequence stratigraphy and cyclicity of lower Austin/upper Eagle Ford outcrops (Turonian-Coniacian), Dallas County, Texas | Larson, Paul A. | UTAr Central Library (Call Nos. A-L 4th Floor; P-Z 5th Floor) Call Number: QE168.D3 S47 |
Stratigraphic and Structural Overview of Upper Cretaceous Rocks Exposed in the Dallas Vicinity | Dawson, Wm. C., C. L. McNulty, Jr., and D. F. Reaser | Dallas Geological Society, 1983 |
Stratigraphy of the upper Austin in the vicinity of Dallas, Texas | Charles Isaac Smith | UTA, UTAr; thesis; 195- |
The Austin Chalk-Taylor Clay succession in Texas and the Santonian-Campanian boundary | P. Marks and B. Stam | Cretaceous Research, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 1983, Pages 271-279 |
The Eagleford-Austin chalk transition zone | Moreman, Walter L. | TCU Master Thesis 1926. |
Brownstown marl
Buda formation
Fossils from limestone of Buda age in Denton County, Texas | Lloyd William Stephenson | AAPG Bulletin; October 1944; v. 28; no. 10; p. 1538-1541 |
Biostratigraphic studies in the Comanche (Cretaceous) series of Northern Mexico and Texas | Perkins, Bob F. | New York, 1960, 138 p. illus., maps |
Comanchean (Lower Cretaceous) stratigraphy and paleontology of Texas | Edited by Leo Hendricks | Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Publication; no. 67-8; 1967 |
The Comanche series of the Texas-Arkansas region | Hill, R.T. | Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 2:503-528. 1891. |
Del Rio formation
Denton formation
A Paleoecological study of the Upper Denton formation, Tarrant, Denton, and Cooke Counties, Texas | L. Ronald Laughbaum | Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 34, No. 6 (Nov., 1960), pp. 1183-1197 |
Paleoenvironments of the Denton, Weno and Pawpaw Formations, Washita Group, Central Texas | Cason, R.R.; Vincent, J. W. | Meeting of the South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Waco, Texas; March 29-31, 1987 |
The Lithology and Depositional Environments of the Denton Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of North-Central Texas and South-Central Oklahoma | Magee, R. W. | Thesis, University of Texas, Arlington; 1974 |
Duck Creek formation
The Duck Creek Formation of north Texas | Gayle Scott | TCU Master Thesis 1920 |
Eagle Ford formation
A faunule from the Eagle Ford formation of Texas | Robert Crawford Williams | ColumbiaU, thesis, 1936 |
Basal Eagle Ford fauna (Cenomanian) in Johnson and Tarrant Counties, Texas. | Lloyd William Stephenson | Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off.; 1955 |
Clastic limestone in the Upper Eagle Ford Shale, Dallas County, Texas | Reid, William Thomas | 1952 |
Depositional setting of the Turonian Kamp Ranch Member, Eagle Ford Group, Northeast Texas | Diane Elaine Hensleigh | UTAr Library, 1983 |
Divisions of the Eagle Ford Group, The Geology of Texas | Moreman, W. L. | University of Texas Bulletin 3232, 425426; 1932 |
Fossil Zones of the Eagle Ford of North Texas | W. L. Moreman | Journal of Paleontology; July 1927; v. 1; no. 1; p. 89-101 |
Nomenclature of Uppermost Eagle Ford Formation in Northeastern Texas | C. L. McNulty, Jr. | AAPG Bulletin Volume 50, Issue 2. (February), Pages 375 - 379 (1966) |
Paleontology of the Eagle Ford Group of North and Central Texas * | W. L. Foreman | Journal of Paleontology, 16: 192220; 1942 |
Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Eagle Ford formation of north and central Texas | Walter L Moreman | UKansas; thesis/dissertation; 1931 |
Stratigraphy of the Eagle Ford Group (upper Cretaceous) and its source-rock potential in the East Texas Basin | Surles, Milton A. | Waco, Texas : Baylor University, Dept. of Geology,. 57 p. : ill., maps ; 31 cm.; 1987 |
The Eagle Ford formation | M. B. Arick | UTA, thesis, 1928 |
The Geology of the Eagle Ford Quadrangle, Dallas County, Texas | Turner, William Lewis, Jr. | MS Thesis. Southern Methodist University; 1950 |
The Stratigraphy of the Eagle Ford Formation from the Red River Southward to Austin | Charles Albert Durham | UTA 1931 |
Turonian (Eaglefordian) stratigraphy of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Texas | Page C. Valentine | Washington: G. P. O., 1984. |
Edwards formation
Edwards Group, surface and subsurface, central Texas | Peter R. Rose | Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 198 pgs., 1972 |
Some fossils from the Edwards formation of Texas | Ikins, W. C., and Clabaughs, E. | Bull. Am. Paleontology vol. 26, no. 96, pp. 265-282., 1940 |
The Edwards reef complex and associated sedimentation in central Texas: field trip for 1973 annual meeting, the Geological Society of America | Nelson, Henry F. | Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 34 pgs, 1973? |
Escondido formation
Origin and Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Large Dwelling Traces in the Escondido Formation (Cretaceous, Texas, USA) | John W. Snedden | PALAIOS, Vol. 6, No. 6 (Dec., 1991), pp. 541-552 |
The Fauna of the Escondido Formation | Cannon, Robert Lee | UTAu thesis, 1922 |
Fort Worth formation
Fredericksburg division
Paleontological Correlation of the Fredericksburg and Washita Formations in North Texas | Adkins, W. S.; Winton, W. M. | The University of Texas, Bulletin, 1945 : 1-128; 1919 |
Stratigraphy of the Fredericksburg group north of the Colorado River, Texas | Corwin, Linda Whigham | Waco, Tex. : Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, 1982. |
Glen Rose formation
Glen Rose cycles and facies, Paluxy River Valley, Somervell County, Texas | Nagle, James Stewart | University of Texas at Austin, 1968. |
Key Bivalves of the Lower Albian Glen Rose Formation in Texas | Scott, R.W. | in Scott, R.W., ed., Cretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms: Environmental Feedback: SEPM Special Publication No. 87, p. 247-252, 2007 |
Lower Albian Sequence Stratigraphy and Coral Buildups: Glen Rose Formation, Texas, U.S.A., | Scott, R.W. Molineux, A. Loser, H. Mancini, E.A. | in Scott, R.W., ed., Cretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms: Environmental Feedback: SEPM Special Publication No. 87, p. 181-191. 2007 |
Lower Cretaceous shallow marine environments in the Glen Rose Formation: Dinosaur tracks and plants | Perkins, B. F., and W. Langston, Jr. | Field Trip Guidebook, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Dallas, Texas, 69 pp. 1979 |
Nearshore Clastic-Carbonate Facies and Dinosaur Trackways in the Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Central Texas | Bergan, Gail R., and Jeffrey G. Pittman. | Geological Society of America Field Trip No. 8, October 27, 1990. Dallas Geological Society, Dallas, Texas. 83 pp. 1990. |
Paleontology of the Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Hood County, Texas | Barck, A. | Texas Journal of Science 44(1):3-24., 1992 |
Shoreline Depositional Environments of Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in Type Area, Somervell and Hood Counties, Texas. | Bergan, Gail R. | American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 72(9):1109.1988. |
Some Zone Marker Fossils of the Glen Rose Formation of Central Texas * | Marion Isabelle Whitney | Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 26, No. 1, (Jan., 1952), pp. 65-73 |
Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Glen Rose Formation, North Central Texas | Davis, K. W. | Baylor Geological Studies Bulletin 26. Baylor University, Waco, Texas. 27 pp. 1974 |
Georgetown formation
A correlation of certain Washita formations with their central Texas equivalent, the Georgetown formation | McGill, Daniel W. | TCU Master Thesis, 1956 |
The physical stratigraphy of the Georgetown formation equivalents in Tarrant, Denton, and Cooke counties | Slocki, Stanley F. | TCU Master Thesis, 1957 |
Gober chalk
Goodland formation
Grayson formation
Depositional Environments of the Grayson Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Texas | Mancini, E. A | Gulf Coast Association Geological Society Transactions 27, 334351; 1977 |
Paleoecology and distribution of echinoderms in the Grayson formation, McLennan County, Texas | Matthew J Willis | Baylor: thesis, 1997 |
Stratigraphic and faunal studies of the Grayson formation in North Texas | Bennett, Ethel Evans | TCU Master Thesis, 1939. |
Kemp clay
Kiamichi formation
A Stratigraphic Study of the Kiamichi Formation in Central Texas. Symposium on Edwards Limestone in Central Texas | Shelbourne, O. B | University of Texas Publication 5905, 105-130; 1959 |
A stratigraphic study of the Kiamichi formation of the lower cretaceous of Texas | Bishop, Bobby A. | TCU Master Thesis, 1957. |
Lake Waco formation (see Eagle Ford)
The Bluebonnet Member, Lake Waco Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Central Texas - A lagoonal deposit | Silver, B. A. | 1963 |
Mainstreet formation
Depositional systems in the Nacatoch Formation (upper cretaceous), northeast Texas and southwest Arkansas | Mary K. McGowen, Cynthia M. Lopez | Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 1983 |
Navarro Group
Summary of faunal studies of Navarro group of Texas | Lloyd William Stephenson | AAPG Bulletin; April 1941; v. 25; no. 4; p. 637-643 |
The Larger Invertebrate Fossils of the Navarro Group of Texas (Exclusive of Corals and Crustaceans and Exclusive of the Fauna of the Escondido Formation) | Lloyd W. Stephenson | UT Bulletin No. 4101; Jan. 1941 |
Pawpaw formation
Paleoenvironments of the Denton, Weno and Pawpaw Formations, Washita Group, Central Texas | Cason, R.R.; Vincent, J. W. | Meeting of the South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Waco, Texas; March 29-31, 1987 |
Stratigraphic and faunal studies of the Pawpaw Formation north of the Brazos River : with descriptions of new species of Foraminifera | Lozo, Frank Edgar | TCU Master Thesis, 1937 |
Stratigraphic study of the Pawpaw formation of north-central Texas | Bobby A. Bishop | 1960 UTA |
The Weno and Pawpaw Formations of the Texas Comanchean and On a New Ammonite Fauna of the Lower Turonian of Mexico * | Adkins, W. S.; Bose, E. | The University of Texas, Bulletin 1856, 257p.; Oct 1918 |
Paluxy sand
The Paluxy sand in north-central Texas | Owen, Mark Thomas | Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, 1979 |
Pecan Gap chalk
The Hill-Shuler local faunas of The Upper Trinity River, Dallas and Denton Counties, Texas | Slaughter, B. H.; Crook, W. W.; Jr., R. K. Harris, D. C. Allen, and M. Seifert. | 1962 |
South Bosque formation
Taylor Group
A revision of Taylor nomenclature, Upper Cretaceous, Central Texas | Young, Keith | Austin, University of Texas, 1965. |
Travis Peak (Twin Mountains)
Trinity Group-Division
Lower vertebrates and paleoecology of the Trinity-Group (Lower Cretaceous) in north central Texas | Thurmond, J. T. | Dissertation, Dallas, Southern Methodist University, 1969 |
Lower vertebrate faunas of the Trinity Division in north-central Texas | J.T. Thurmond | Geoscience and Man 8 (1974), pp. 103129 |
Stratigraphy of the basal Trinity (Lower Cretaceous) sands, central Texas | Peter A. Boone | Waco, Tex., Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, 64 pgs, 1968 |
Stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Trinity deposits of central Texas | F. L. Stricklin, Jr., C. I. Smith, and F. E. Lozo | Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas Report of Investigations 71, 63 pgs, 1971 |
The Stratigraphy of the Trinity Division as exhibited in Parker County, Texas * | Gayle Scott | The University of Texas Bulletin No. 3001: January 1, 1930 |
The Trinity Flora of Texas | ? | in Lower Cretaceous Vol. 4, Maryland Geological Society, p. 161 |
The Trinity Formation of Arkansas, IT, and Texas * | R. T. Hill | Science, Vol. 11, p. 21 |
Vertebrate paleontology of the Trinity Group, Lower Cretaceous of Central Texas; pp. 122 | Winkler, D. A., P. A. Murry, and L. L. Jacobs | Field Guide to the Vertebrate Paleontology of the Trinity Group, Lower Cretaceous of Central Texas. Institute for the Earth and Man, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. 1989. |
Twin Mountains formation
Walnut formation
Origin and significance of the oyster banks in the Walnut Clay Formation, central Texas | Carl Dean Flatt | Waco, Tex. : Baylor University; 1975 |
Washita Group-Division
A correlation of certain Washita formations with their central Texas equivalent, the Georgetown formation | McGill, Daniel W. | TCU Master Thesis, 1956 |
Epeiric depositional models for the Lower Cretaceous Washita group, North-central Texas | R. W. Scott | Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 23 pgs., 1978 |
Paleontological Correlation of the Fredericksburg and Washita Formations in North Texas | Adkins, W. S.; Winton, W. M. | The University of Texas, Bulletin, 1945 : 1-128; 1919 |
Stratigraphy of the Washita group in central Texas | Thomas E. Brown | Waco, Tex., Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, 43 pgs., 1971 |
The Washita Group in the Valley of the Trinity River, Texas: a Field Guide | Perkins, Bob F.; Albritton, Claude C. | Southern Methodist University Press, 27 p.; 1975 |
Weno formation
Paleoenvironments of the Denton, Weno and Pawpaw Formations, Washita Group, Central Texas | Cason, R.R.; Vincent, J. W. | Meeting of the South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Waco, Texas; March 29-31, 1987 |
Studies of the Weno Formation north of the Brazos River | Ralph E Smith | TCU Master Thesis, 1939 |
The Weno and Pawpaw Formations of the Texas Comanchean and On a New Ammonite Fauna of the Lower Turonian of Mexico * | Adkins, W. S.; Bose, E. | The University of Texas, Bulletin 1856, 257p.; Oct 1918 |
Wolfe City sand
Woodbine formation
Depositional environments and basinal settings of the Cretaceous Woodbine Sandstone, northeast Texas | Calavan, C. W. | Masters thesis, Baylor University 214p.; 1985 |
Depositional systems in the Woodbine Group (Upper Cretaceous) Northeast Texas | Oliver, William B. | Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 73, 28 p.; 1971 |
Hypolophid teeth from the Woodbine Formation, Tarrant County, Texas | MCNULTY,C. L. | Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 57:537-541. |
Larger Invertebrate Fossils of the Woodbine Formation (Cenomanian) of Texas | Stephenson, L. W. | United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 242.; 1952 |
Lithofacies and depositional environments of the Rush Creek member of the Woodbine Formation (Gulfian) of north-central Texas | Johnson, Ronald Owen | UTAr Library, 1974 |
Microstratigraphy of the channel sandstones of the Woodbine formation, Tarrant County, Texas. | Dodge, C. F. | PhD Thesis, University of New Mexico, 1967 |
Paleoenvironments and paeloecology of the Cenomanian woodbine formation of N. Texas : paleobiogeography of the hadrosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) | Main, Derek Jason | UTAr Library, 2005 |
Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Woodbine Formation, Tarrant County, Texas | Dodge, Charles F. | Texas Journal of Science 21 (1), 4362; 1969 |
Stratigraphic sequences and facies architecture of the Woodbine-Eagle Ford interval, Upper Cretaceous, North-Central Texas | Trudel, Patrick Alexander | 1994 |
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Arlington Member, Woodbine Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Northeast Texas | Murlin, Jack Ronald | UTAr Library, 1975 |
Stratigraphy of the Templeton member of the Gulfian Cretaceous Woodbine formation in Denton, Collin, and Grayson Counties, Texas | Free, Dwight Allen, Jr. | 1956 |
Stratigraphy of the Templeton member of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine formation in eastern Denton County, Texas | Sholl, Vinton Hubbard | 1956 |
Stratigraphy of the Woodbine formation in the Arlington area, Tarrant County, Texas | Dodge, Charles Fremont | Southern Methodist University, 1952 |
Stratigraphy of the Woodbine Formation, Tarrant County, Texas | Dodge, Charles F. | Geological Society of America Field Trip Guidebook, (for the Second Annual Meeting, South-Central Section); 1968 |
The Woodbine and adjacent strata of the Waco area of central Texas, a symposium | Lozo, Frank E.; Perkins, Bob F. | Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press; 1951 |
Zonation of Woodbine, Eagle Ford and Adjacent Formations in Texas | Adkins, W. S. | Shell Oil Company, Exploration and Production Research Report 140; 1950 |
Geologic notes onthe Lower Cretaceous of Eagle Mountain and vicinity, Tarrant County, Texas * | John B. Hawley and John Peter Smith | Contributions to Geology, UT Bulletin No. 3201 |
The Cretaceous of Parker and Tarrant Counties, Texas : guidebook, 25th biennial SGE convention, Beta Omega Chapter | Gary Mitchell | Arlington, Tex. : Beta Omega Chapter, University of Texas at Arlington; 1973 |
The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary and lower Tertiary of the Brazos River Valley | Yancey, Thomas E.; Koenig, Karl J.; Jones, James O. | South Texas Geologist Society, May 1984 |
Genesis of an Upper Cretaceous offshore bar near Arlington Texas | Dodge, C. F. | Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, V. 25, p. 22-35; 1965 |
Geologic notes on the lower cretaceous of Eagle Mountain and vicinity, Tarrant County, Texas | John B Hawley; John Peter Smith | University of Texas at Austin; 1933 |
Geology of midcities area, Tarrant, Dallas, and Denton Counties, Texas | Hendricks, Leo E.; Sampson, Henry H. | University of Texas at Austin. Bureau of Economic Geology Austin, Tex.; 1976? |
Geology of the Britton Quadrangle, Dallas, Ellis, Johnson and Tarrant Counties, Texas | Meier, Robert William. | SMU, Dallas, Tex; 1964 |
Geology of the Cedar Hill Quadrangle, Dallas and Ellis Counties, Texas | Watkins, J. L. | Thesis. Southern Methodist University; 1954 |
Geology of Dallas, Texas, United States of America | P M Allen; William D Flanigan | Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists. v. 23, no. 4; 1986 |
Geology of the Saginaw quadrangle, Tarrant County, Texas | Baylis Harriss Laramore | SMU, 1958 |
Late Aptian-Albian of the Vocontian Basin (SE-France) and Albian of NE-Texas | ||
Mid-Turonian to Coniacian changes of sea level around Dallas, Texas | Hanthingy, J. M.; Walaszczyk, I. | Cretaceous Research 25: 459-471; 2004 |
Scouting adventures in geology at Lake Worth, Tarrant County, Texas | Lokke, Donald H.; White, James R. | Fort Worth Geological Society. Boy Scout Committee. Fort Worth, Tex. : Fort Worth Geological Society; 1963 |
Scouting adventures in geology at Lake Arlington spillway, Tarrant County, Texas | Charles F Dodge | Boy Scout Committee leaflet 1964 |
Sedimentology and extinction patterns across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary interval in east Texas | Cretaceous Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, September 1987, Pages 229-252 | T. Hansen, R. B. Farrand, H. A. Montgomery, H. G. Billman and G. Blechschmidt |
Stratigraphic and Structural Overview of Upper Cretaceous Rocks Exposed in the Dallas Vicinity | Dawson, W. C.; McNulty, C. C. | Dallas Geological Society, 1983 |
Stratigraphic placement of the Santonian-Campanian boundary (Upper Cretaceous) in the North American Gulf Coastal Plain and Western Interior, with implications to global geochronology | Jason A. Lillegraven | Cretaceous Research, Volume 12, Issue 2, April 1991, Pages 115-136 |
The Albian-Cenomanian (Lower Cretaceous-Upper Cretaceous) Boundary in Texas and Northern Mexico * | Keith Young | Journal of Paleontology; November 1986; v. 60; no. 6; p. 1212-1219 |
The Geology of Texas - Volume 1 - Stratigraphy * | E. H. Sellards, W. S. Adkins, F. B. Plummer | UT bulletin 3232; Aug. 22, 1932 |
The Geology of Texas - Volume 2 - Structural and Economic Geology * | E. H. Sellards AND C. L. Baker | UT bulletin 3401; January 1, 1934 |
The Geology of East Texas * | E. T. Dumble | UT bulletin 1869; 1918 |
Historical works:
A Contribution to the Invertebrate Paleontology of the Texas Cretaceous | F. W. Cragin | 4th annual Report Geological Survey Texas, June 1893, pgs. 139-246 |
A sketch of the geology of Texas | Ferdinand Roemer | American Journal Science, 2nd Series, Vol. 2, Nov. 1846, pp. 358-365 |
Descriptions of New Cretaceous Fossils from Texas | B. F. Shumard | Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Science, Vol. 1, 1860, p. 590-610 |
Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organischen Einschlusse (The Cretaceous formations of Texas and its organic inclusions | Ferdinand Roemer | 1852, 100 pages, 11 plates |
Texas. Mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Deutsche Auswunderung und die physischen Verhaltnisse des Landes (Texas. With special regard to German Auswunderung * and the ratios in the country physical) | Ferdinand Roemer | Topographisch-geognosische Karte |
Notes on the Cretaceous and Carboniferous Rocks of Texas | Jules Marcou | Proceedings Boston Society Natural History, Vol. VIII (8), May 1861, pgs. 86-97 |
Observations upon the Cretaceous Strata of Texas | B. F. Shumard | Transactions Academy Sciences St. Louis, Vol. I, No. 4, 1860, pgs. 582-590 |
On the Cretaceous formations of Texas and their relation to those of other portions of North America | Charles A. White | Proceedings Academy National Sciences of Philadelphia, 1887, pgs. 39-47 |
Paleontology of the Cretaceous formations of Texas The invertebrate paleontology of the Trinity Division. | R. T. Hill | Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 8:9-40, 1893. |
The Comanche series of the Texas-Arkansas region | R. T. Hill | Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 2:503-528, 1891. |
The Texas section of the American Cretaceous | R. T. Hill | American Journal Sciences, 3rd series, Vol. XXXIV (34), Oct 1887, pgs. 287-309 |
The topography and geology of the Cross Timbers and surrounding regions in Northern Texas | R. T. Hill | The American Journal of Science, 3rd Series, Vol. 33, pgs. 291-303, 1887. |
The present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas | R. T. Hill | United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 45, 95 pp., 1887 |
Specific county geologies:
A Preliminary Report on the Geology of Montague County, Texas * | Fred M. Bullard and Robert H. Cuyler | Contributions to Geology, UT Bulletin No. 3001 |
The Geology of Dallas County | Ellis W Shuler | Austin, Tx: University of Texas; 1918 |
Geology of Dallas County * | Ellis W. Shuler | UT bulletin 1818; March 25, 1918 |
Geology of Denton county * | W. M. Winton | UT bulletin 2544; November 22, 1925 |
Geology of Grayson county * | Fred M. Bullard | UT bulletin 3225; July 1, 1931 |
Geology of Johnson County * | W. M. Winton and Gayle Scott | UT bulletin 2229; August 1, 1922 |
Geology of McClennan County * | W. S. Adkins | UT bulletin 2340; October 22, 1923 |
Geology of Palo Pinto County * | F. B. Plummer and Joseph Hornberger, Jr. | UT bulletin 3534; September 8, 1935 |
Geology of Wise county * | Gayle Scott and J. M. Armstrong | UT bulletin 3224; June 22, 1932 |