Today was a Dallas Paleontological Society field trip
to the famous Lost Creek Reservoir site near Jacksboro, Texas. Polly
Mullinex was the field trip leader. |
Here is the group that attended. The second picture
has all the first-timers to the locality raising their hands. |

(pic by Polly) |

(pic by Polly) |
The site is located at the end of 1/4 mile causeway on top
of the reservoir dam. |
Finally at the end of the long walk
The site is straight ahead across a field
I didn't take but a couple pictures of the people because I
was too busy hunting close to the ground. |
Some of Lyle's fossils
All my fossil pictures are taken at home |
Worthenia tabulata gastropod
Worthenia tabulata gastropod (same)
Trepospira gastropods
Glabrocinculum gastropods (side)
Glabrocinculum gastropods (top)
Straparollus gastropods
Composita brachiopod
Composita brachiopod (same)
Brachycycloceras nautiloid
Spiriferellina? brachiopod
Spiriferellina? brachiopod (same)
??? clam
?? brachiopod
?? brachiopod (same)
Cleiothyridina orbicularis?
Cleiothyridina orbicularis?
Hustedia brachiopods
Hustedia brachiopods
Hustedia brachiopod
Hustedia brachiopod
Marginifera brachiopod
Marginifera brachiopod (same)
Bryozoa on a crinoid stalk
Bryozoa on a crinoid stalk (same)
Fimbrinia plummeri?
Fimbrinia plummeri? (same)
unknown shark tooth
unknown shark tooth
Metacoceras nautiloids
Symmorium (Cladodus) shark tooth
Symmorium (Cladodus) shark tooth (same)
Pteronites percuata? clam