Oliver Creek, Justin, Texas
Aug. 18, 2007

This is a Dallas Paleontological Society field trip to Oliver Creek west of Justin, Texas.   This creek runs through the Goodland formation which is abundant in large Oxytropidoceras ammonites, smaller Engonoceras ammonites, "heart urchins", clams, and the occasional fancy urchin, shark tooth, and nautiloid.  Our field trip leader was Roger Farish.  Pictures are taken by Lance, Roz, and Carolyn.  Thanks Roz and Carolyn!!

After the Oliver Creek field trip Me, Roz, Keith ,and Mike did some more hunting:  Click Here
Me and Roz are among the first to arrive in Justin. 
Roz, Trisha, Karen, Polly
 and Brian
Roz, Trisha, Keith, and Tim
Trip leader Roger Farish arrives
Roger promises lots of fossil and lower taxes. 

Pic by Roz

Pic by Roz
Several more cars not shown
The group arrives at the property.
Unpacking to head
into the creek
Walking into the creek

Pic by Carolyn

Pic by Carolyn

Pic by Carolyn

Pic by Carolyn
Trisha and Lance

Pic by Carolyn
Digging out a clam

Pic by Roz
the clam

Pic by Roz

Pic by Carolyn
Around noon we gather to see what everyone has found.  

Pic by Carolyn with my cam

Pic by Carolyn with my cam

Pics by Carolyn
Gathering for the group picture

Pic by Roz
Group pic

Pic by Carolyn
My best finds:
Engonoceras stolleyi? ammonite
Hemiaster whitei? echinoids