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Last Update
8 Dec 2024
  Kiamichi Fm.
  Walnut Clay

Goodland Limestone
(c. 103.4 mya to c. 105.4 mya)

The name "Goodland" is used only in north Texas from about Hood county northward. From Hood county southward the equivalent limestones are called the Edwards and Comanche Peak Formations. The difference between the Edwards and Goodland is that the Edwards contains an abundant fauna of rudists and large corals while the Goodland contains no rudists except maybe as rare isolated specimens and no large corals. Otherwise many of the other fossils are identical.

The Geology of Denton County

"  Goodland. This limestone formation named after the village of Goodland in southern Oklahoma, starting with thickness of about twenty feet, at the Red River, increases rapidly in thickness to the southwest ; at the same time the upper portion becomes hard and indurated, the lower soft and marly and south of the Brazos is considered as two formations. The upper or hard portion, south of the Brazos, is called Edwards; the lower softer portion is called Comanche Peak. The Goodland formation is highly fossiliferous and in certain parts of the western part of Tarrant County is a Mecca for fossil collectors. In Denton County most of the exposures of the Goodland are in rather inaccessible parts of the western and northwestern part of the county, although well worth visiting by any one in search of fossils. Characteristic and horizon marking fossils are numerous in this formation and are described and figured in the chapter on paleontology. 

  The thickness of the Goodland in Denton County ranges from a measured 42 feet in the northwestern part of the county to an estimated 75 feet in the southwestern part. In the western part of Tarrant County, near Lake Worth. the thickness is 116 feet. The limestone of the Goodland occurs in thick massive ledges separated by seams of marl. This limestone is unusually white and chalky in appearance. Chemical analyses made for cement projects in Tarrant County have shown that most of this material is composed of over 98 per cent pure crystalline calcium carbonate. This limestone with the combination of the overlying Kiamitia clay makes a perfect Portland cement mixture, although in Denton County this combination does not offer possibilities at present because of the inaccessibility of all good exposures which contain both Goodland and Kiamitia.  "

The Geology of Tarrant County

Fauna of the Goodland Formation: 
[current name]
Hemiaster whitei Clark
Hemiaster sp.
Enallaster texanus (Roemer) [Heteraster]
Holectypus planatus Roemer 
Salenia mexicana Schlueter 
Diplopodia taffi Cragin [Tetragramma]
Cyphosoma texana
Goniopygus sp.

Engonoceras sp. 
Schloenbachia spp. 
Schloenbachia acutocarinata (Shumard) [Oxytropidoceras]
Schloenbachia sp. aff. belknapi (Marcou) 

Turritella seriatim-granulosa (Roemer)
Turritella sp.
Cinulia tarrantensis Cragin
Trichotropis shumardi Cragin 
Cylindrites formosus Cragin 
Cerithium bosquense Shumard 
Tylostoma chihuahuense Boese 
Tylostoma tumidum? Shumard 
Lunatia pedernalis Roemer 
Nerinea sp.
Neritina sp. 
Pelecypods (Clams & scallops):
Rostellaria subfusiformis Conrad
Turbo sp.
Homomya sp.
Pinna sp. aff. comancheanus (Cragin)
Protocardia texana (Conrad)
Protocardia filosa (Conrad) 
Isocardia sp.
Cyprimeria texana (Roemer) 
Pholadomya sancti-sabae Roemer 
Pecten occidentalis? (Conrad) 
Pecten irregularis (Boese) 
Pecten subalpina (Boese)
Lima wacoensis Roemer 
Trigonia sp. 
Corbula sp. (clam)
Tapes sp. (clam)

Pelecypods (Oysters): 
Exogyra texana Roemer [Ceratostreon]
Exogyra plexa Cragin (Boese) 
Exogyra sp. aff. plexa Boese 
Gryphea marcoui Hill & Vaughan 
Ostrea sp. aff. johannae Choffat 

crustacean limbs 

Trochosmilia texana (Conrad) 
Parasmilia austinensis Roemer

Geology Pictures:

Primary rock type: Limestone
Secondary rock type: Clay and shale

Locality 1

Locality 2
Locality 3

Locality 4  (Roz M)

Locality 5 (Roz M)

Locality 6

Locality 7

Locality 7

Locality 7
All localities are in western Tarrant County, Texas.


Cephalopods (ammonites, nautiluses):
Oxytropidoceras powelli ?  
Oxytropidoceras powelli ?
Oxytropidoceras sp. ammonite

Pic by Roz
Oxytropidoceras sp. ammonite
Engonoceras sp. ammonite
Hemiaster whitei echinoids 
Tetragramma sp. echinoid
Salenia mexicana echinoid
Gastropods (snails):
Anchura sp. ?
Tylostoma elevatum ? gastropod
Cerithium bosquense gastropod
Trichotropis shumardi
Pelecypods (clams, oysters, pectens):
Pholadomya sp.  clam
(Pic by Roz)
Lima wacoensis clam:
Protocardia texana clam
Pinna comancheana clam
Neithea subalpina? pecten
Lopha sp. oyster:
Ceratostreon texanum oyster:

Corals & sponges:
crustacean limb segments
Annelids (worms): 
worm tubes