Lake Texoma, Grayson  co., TX
Jan. 12, 2008

Today the Dallas Paleo Society did a group hunt along the shores of Lake Texoma.  This trip was led by Ed & Cathy Swiatovy.  

The group met at the McDonald's in Denison, Texas about 9am.  Here we got a briefing of what fossils we could be find and the geological formation they come from.  From here the large group split into 3 smaller groups led by  Ed & Cathy, Roger, and (forgot name) to 3 separate areas along Lake Texoma with slightly different fossil possibilities.  Me and Roz went with the group (Ed & Cathy's) where it gave the best possibility to find fancy echinoids so the following pics are from that leg of the hunt.
At McDonald's (2nd pic by Roz)
We walked along the shore quite a way.
Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera along the walk around the shore so the following pics were taken when we gathered back at the parking spot.  The fossils found here indicate that this area is Fort Worth formation.
Kevin K's nautilus
Holaster echinoids
A fine ribbed Neithea
Amphidonte oyster
Phyllis B's Macraster echinoid
Phyllis B's 
Mark S., Kevin K., Mark, Willis K., Ed S. 
Cathy & Ed S.
group shot
Karen M's fossils
Mark S's Rastellum slabs
Roger F's Holaster echinoid
After noon we decided to move to the Lake Texoma dam and hunt for shark teeth and micro ammonites.   This area is in the Duck Creek formation.  Again I didn't take my camera along the shore.  We learned the secret to finding shark's teeth here is combining the finer gravel areas and we did find some, along with fish verts!
I'm digging a spot that produced 2 teeth and 6 verts.

(Pictures by Willis K)
Caleb, Jason, Karen, Cathy, & Cindy

(Pic by Willis K)
Roz's Ptychodus decurrens tooth.

(Picture by Roz)
Kevin's Mortoniceras ammonite

(Picture by Kevin K)

(Pic by Willis K)
Caleb's shark tooth

(Pic by Willis K)
More fossil pics coming...
leaving the dam area
On the way home we stopped at an obvious exposure.  Roz found a shark tooth.