Jack County and Young county, Texas
2 Feb 2020

2 Feb 2020 - Explored some old and new areas in Young County, Texas.  This is a spot way out in the county.  I collected many Heliospongia sp. sponges which were heavily fragmented but mostly complete. 
This is a Placid Shale locality in Jack County I explored the week before on 26 Jan 2020.  I came back to collect more of the Heliospongia sponges.
Sponge locality
More sponges bits found
Reconstructed sponges:
Here's an older Finis Shale locality in Young County that we took DPS many years ago.
South side:
North side:
North side:
Archaeocidaris sp. echinoid plate
Archaeocidaris sp. echinoid plate
Archaeocidaris sp. echinoid plates and spines
A hill near Possum Kingdom Lake:
Highway 180: