Videos by Lance Hall

Video 1

Video 2

Trip hunt to the local creek south of Arkadelphia, yielded echinoids, falcatas, cardias, sponges, and various shark teeth. 2 teeth were Enchodus and also a Squalicorax kaupi. We were hunting in the Ozan Formation.

Getting ready for the hunt. Left to right, Lance Hall, Kelly Irwin,Frank Holterhoff, and George Phillips.

Lance hunting in the gravel bar.

A shark tooth he found, in the matrix

Ozan Formation

Lance, Frank, Kelly, and George, comparing fossil notes.

Happy with something. Thanks to Lance for the pic.

Some of Lance's finds, including falcatas and gastropods

My cardia (bi-valve) above.

Lance, holding one of the echinoids below 

This one is from a past trip. It gives clearer detail.
The crew (minus George, who took the pic), at days end. Thanks George! Kelly, Frank, Roz, Lance
An echinoid that I found the next day, still in matrix. Unfortunately the other side had worn away.

Dakota Crab

Dakota crab found in the creek.

Unidentified bone

Turtle Bone

Mosasaur vert found in the quarry.
[can't find]

Worm tube

Small, fossilized oyster pictured.