[Last Updated 10 Dec 2024]

Harpersville Formation

The Geology of Texas - Volume 1

The Harpersville formation, resting upon the Thrifty, consists of a sandstone at the base, followed by shales, including coal beds and some limestones and sandstones.  The coal beds mined at Newcastle are in this formation.  North of Young  County the limestones of the formation give place to sandstones.  In the Brazos River valley the following members are recognized: sandstone and shale; Crystal Falls limestone; shale, sandstone, limestone, and coal beds; Belknap limestone; shale, and sandstone; and Saddle Creek limestone.  The fauna of the Saddle Creek limestone is believed by Roth to be equivalent to that of the Neva limestone of Oklahoma and Kansas although the genus Schwagerina was not found in the Saddle Creek limestone (1353b).  Some of the limestones of this formation continue northward through Jack County, but are replaced in Montague County by sandstones and shales.   Type locality:  The type locality is at Harpersville in Stephens County; thickness, 240 t o300 feet.


Don and Lance
Moran Formation? (Permian)


Petalodus sp. shark tooth (blade down)
Formation: Harpersville Fm.
:  late Pennsylvanian  (c. 300 mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX.
4 Feb 2006.
Petalodus sp. shark tooth (blade end)

Formation: Harpersville Fm.
Period:  late Pennsylvanian  (c. 300 mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX.
9 June 2006
Hustedia sp.

Strata: Harpersville Fm.
Period:  Pennsylvanian (c. 300 mya)
Loc: Coleman Co., TX
15 April 2023
Formation: Harpersville Fm.
Period:  late Pennsylvanian  (c. 300 mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX. 
4 Feb 2006.
Polypora sp.? bryozoan

Formation: Harpersville Fm.
Period: Pennsylvanian (c. 300mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX. 
4 Feb 2006.
Tabulipora sp.? bryozoan

Formation: Harpersville Fm.
Period: Pennsylvanian (c. 300mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX. 
4 Feb 2006.
straight-shell nautiloid

Formation: Harpersville Fm.
Period: Pennsylvanian (c. 300mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX. 
4 Feb 2006.
Unknown crinoids

Harpersville Fm
Period: Penn/Permian  (c. 300 mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX.
15 Apr 2023
unknown oyster (same)

StrataHarpersville Fm.
Period: Penn/Permian  (c. 300 mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX.
15 Apr 2023
unknown oyster

StrataHarpersville Fm.
Period: Penn/Permian  (c. 300 mya)
Location: Coleman Co., TX. 
15 Apr 2023