Wolfe City Sand
  Gober Chalk

Ozan formation
("lower Taylor Marl")

The Ozan is "mapped in Ouachita tectonic belt province, eastern Dallas, east-central Ellis, and northeast Hill Co., TX and east Texas basin, Rockwall, Kaufman, and Navarro Cos. Clay, calcareous, silt and sand content increases up, montmorillonitic, blocky, conchoidal fracture, med. gray; some glauconite, phosphate pellets, hematite and pyrite nodules; v. thin limestone lenses locally in lower part; grades up to Wolfe City Fm., thickness 500 +- ft."


Lower Ozan in a creek near Altoga, Collin co., Texas.

The Ozan formation is exposed in the bed and walls of the North Sulphur River.  
Fieldtrips to the river:  April 5, 2008; Feb. 24, 2008; Jan. 5, 2008; Nov. 12, 2005.
"Red zone" matrix
Plesiosaur vertebra (by Roz)